FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I need to integrate or download any software, plug-ins, or install anything?

    No! AlertMate is complete web-based. You don't need to download a single thing. There is no integration needed to use it, so it does not combine with other softwares that your company may already use. It is simply just like browsing the web.

  • Do I need to have a spare phone number for my company to use AlertMate?

    No! You don't need to do anything relating to a mobile. AlertMate takes care and handles it all. No phone number is necessary as AlertMate sends the SMS for you with your company name displayed, and no number shown.

  • Do I need to purchase credits, or do I need to add money to an account?

    No! There is no credit facility needed for AlertMate. You are free to send an unlimited amount of SMS's, the limitation will depend on your subscription.
    Premiere (monthly) is limited to 4 campaigns sent (1 per week).
    Ultimate (yearly) is unlimited 24/7/365 with zero limitations whatsoever.
    If you are on Premiere and exceed the 4 campaigns sent in a month, every additional campaign will be charged separately on your next billing period.

  • Will my company name be displayed as the sender on the SMS?

    Yes! Everyone whom your company will be contacting: Customers, Clients, Employees, Businesses, Events etc. Will know that your company has contacted them. It will not show a phone number, and it will not show as AlertMate either.

  • What is £P.O.R? Where is the price on the services page?

    P.O.R is Price On Request. Since AlertMate has been around, many businesses and companies will operate it for different uses. In order for us to equipt you with the most optimal, and best service, we need to understand exactly what you wish to use AlertMate for. Remember, AlertMate is not just for customers/sales, its for ANYONE and ANYTHING your company communicates with.
    This includes:
    Internal comms (Staff, Contractors, Suppliers etc.)
    External comms (Customers, Clients, Other Businesses, Gov agencies etc.)
    Marketing (Sponsorships, Event hosting, Surveys, Reviews, R&D etc.)
    Bots/AI use, testing and much more.

  • Can I cancel my subscription, and what happens?

    Of-course. We'd be super sad to see you go, but we respect everyone's choices no matter what. Just get in touch with us, and we'll walk you through what to do. You will still continue to be able to use AlertMate until your next billing date, to which you will not be charged, and your subscription will cancel.
    Your data will be destroyed, and if you wish to re-join AlertMate again at a later date, you will need to ensure you have a copy of the database of the users you wish to communicate with so that you can simply import them, or you may have to manually input / re-add everyone again. Your separate businesses/comms groups, and all saved templates, including your previous campaign history will all be destroyed.

  • I already use email, why would I need SMS?

    It's true, emails are great! The issue with emails is spam, junk filters, message/rate limits, reduced open rate and interaction, reduced preference over SMS channels, more prone to errors for both sender & recipient, relies on Wi-Fi connection & speed than signal reception, reduced response times compared to SMS, and a host of other problems.
    Don't get us wrong, nothing is ever completely pitch-perfect, but in terms of communication, SMS blows email-based communication out the water, whereby the numbers don't lie.

  • I don't want to use AlertMate myself, can you use it for me?

    Absolutely. We have an internal team that handles all communication for you. You simply just have to tell us what message you want to send, and who to send it to (i.e Everyone, or only 100 recent clients, or only our Product Department, or just our London location etc.)
    Ultimate members will be able to send out communication anytime, as they receive direct priority access to AlertMate's team.
    Premiere members will have to notify us atleast 48 hours in advance of what communication needs to be sent.

  • I'm having some technical trouble/issues with AlertMate, what do i do?

    If you're an Ultimate member, reach out to your personal account manager as your first point of contact, they will guide you additionally as the quickest way.
    Premiere members please reach out by email: contact@alertmate.co.uk and please include your company information, along with the issues you are facing.
    Both Premiere and Ultimate members, you can also schedule a Technical Support / Troubleshooting appointment by clicking 'Book Now' at the top of the page and selecting the 4th option.

  • I'm ready to join, what do I do?

    Simply click 'Book Now' at the top right of this page. Select 'MAIN APPOINTMENT: Free Consultation' and a member of our team will discuss with you and identify how you will use AlertMate for your company.
    We also include a Product Demo so you will understand how easy and simple it is to use AlertMate, even Grandma could use it!

  • I still have more questions, what do I do?

    Top of the page, click 'Contact'.
    If its just small/direct enquiries not mentioned here, just fill out the form on that page.
    However, if its questions relating to cost of membership, or any complex enquiries, you will need to schedule a free consultation with our team by clicking 'Book Now' (Top right of the page) as they will require more additional information for us to help you.

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